I'm a huge hockey fan, and like many hockey-loving Minnesotans I look forward each year to the Minnesota State High School Hockey Tournament. There's nothing like it anywhere in this country, or in the world, as far as I know. Tens of thousands of people gather to watch the boys play (and a whole lot of people also come to watch the more recently added girls' tournament). It's an amazing spectacle that you don't have to love hockey to appreciate; I've brought friends who are self-declared sports haters who nevertheless love watching the high school tournament.
Anyway, part of the tradition as of late is the "hockey hair" video that comes out the day after the championship game. It gets literally millions of views on YouTube, and I'm one of the many who wake up on post-tourney Sunday morning and watch it before I even make my coffee. Imagine my delight when this year's video included a cameo Magnetic Poetry appearance! Check it out: